First expansion – creation in objectivity (12 Kalis #1)
This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series…
Starting with the first one: Sṛiṣṭikālī – first expansion.
Creation in the cycle of objectivity. The first expansion*.
Creation in the cycle of objectivity. The first impulse of perception, the first expansion*.
Here is the verse from the Ancient Kramastotra, written by Abhinavagupta,** and its translation by Lilian Silburn…
1. Sṛiṣṭikālī.
निलीयते नीलकूलालये या
तां सृष्टकालीं सततं नमामि॥१॥
unmeṣa meṣobhaya bhajam-antaḥ /
nilīyate nīla-kulālaye ya
taṁ sṛiṣṭikālī satataṁ namāmi //
I pay eternal homage to Sṛiṣṭi-kālī who remains hidden in the abode of the totality of the objective world. Similar to a blissful wave or tide in the ocean of consciousness, it is She who enjoys in Her own Self the creation and dissolution of the universe.
After chanting them for a while and studying different translations I was fascinated with the idea to make the twelve Kalis more visual so I could understand them better. Yet, I read that one cannot understand the Kalis intellectually, one can only know the Kalis with devotion/love.
This is my attempt to express the inexpressible – creatively – in painting.
After a few sketches and gathering visual ideas, the painting came through.
Trying to put it into words is more difficult but I will try. In the middle of the painting appeared what looks like a “black hole”, which science believes has been the origin of the universe as we know it. They also discovered that the universe expands ‘ad infinitum’, and gets swallowed by those black holes at the same time.
The whiteish glowing ball is our universe with the leave representing its organic and objective nature of creation and destruction even though the whole ball is pulsating with life/death too.
This is where Kali is hidden, as she spreads out into creation and also absorbs this very creation into herself. She is hidden in the first impulse of creation, inside as outside. Outside in the world, inside ourselves as life itself. Breath going in and out, pausing on the turning points.
This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the depth and texture. It feels like a blessing.& a mystery all at once.
Thank you Juli