Where the energy (of Kali) attracts everything into herself! (12 Kalis #4)

The void stage. This stage of withdrawal happens in the objective cycle after creation (#1 Sṛiṣṭikālī,) maintaining (2 Rakta-kālī,) and destruction (#3 Sthitināśakālī) if one doesn’t fall into sleep. This is where the energy (of Kali) attracts everything into herself. This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series…

The fourth Kali: Yamakālī – who attracts everything into Herself.

Void in the cycle of objectivity. The fourth expansion*.


12 Kalis #4 - Yamakālī - who attracts everything into Herself
As I am painting the 12 Kalis in this time of pandemic and global changes, I am reminded of the connection we have with this universe, how what is happening outside is but a representation of what is happening inside us and visa versa. Perhaps a good time to become still, to watch and observe this play (as the ancients call it) with greater awareness.
The objective world is represented by the moon. There is the symbol of life, as a pattern overlaying the moon, and in the center an eye that looks on, awareness itself. The void could outwardly be seen as the vast universe and its many stars and galaxies, expanding infinitely.

Here is the verse from the Ancient Kramastotra, written by Abhinavagupta,** and its translation by Lilian Silburn…

4. Yamakālī.

यमस्य यन्तुर्जगतो यमाय ।
संकर्षयन्तीं प्रणमामि कालीम् ॥४॥‌

sarvārtha saṁkarṣaña-saṁyamasya-
yamasya yantur jagato yamāya /
vapur mahāgrāsa vilāsarāgāt
saṁkarṣayan-tīṁ prañamāmi kālīm //

I salute Yama-kālī, goddess of the great display and the great swallowing. It is She who attracts everything into Herself by extracting the essence of the ruler of Yama-(thoughts) who is himself ruling the withdrawal of everything (death).


Ancient Kramastotra by Abhinavagupta** (Sanskrit), Kramanaya Pradipika (Hindi 1959) by Swami Lakshmanjoo, Hymnes Aux Kali La Roue Des Energies Divines (French 1975) by Lilian Silburn.
* Each of the twelve Kalis is called avikasaor expansion, because this universe is not created in the sense of being made from something. It is simply the expansion of Lord Shiva’s own nature. ~Swami Lakshmanjoo, Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka.
** Though it is generally accepted that the author of the Ancient Kramastotra is unknown, Swami Lakshmanjoo indicated that the author may have been Abhinavagupta, the illustrious Shaiva Master who lived from 924 to 1020 C.E.
Abhinavagupta wrote in great detail about Shakti, the feminine principle in his Tantraloka, 4th Ahnika as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo (Archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy, publishing anticipated in 2021).



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2 Responses to “Where the energy (of Kali) attracts everything into herself! (12 Kalis #4)

  • Jai Gurudev!
    For depicting Kalis one must have full understanding of the शक्ति , which you both, George and you, have. Very beautiful. I have only one doubt about the first word of Yamakali. It should be सर्वार्थ sarvaarth in place of सर्वर्थ sarvarth. Please check. May Swamiji bless us all.
    Vijay Kumar Kaul

    • Thank you Vijay ji, I am very honored that you took the time to visit my website to leave a comment, and thank you so much for your correction. You are right. It should be सर्वार्थ with a long ā. I have corrected it in our reference texts also. Blessings to you and your family. Jai Guru Dev!

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