Containing in Herself everything (12 Kalis #5)

Where the senses awaken and all potential lies. A brain ready to receive its signals. Sending its tangles of nerve fibers into the unknown. A black hole, which absorbs stars and planets in its void and at the same time spits out another new universe elsewhere. Black the color that includes all colors. White is the absence of all color and yet also where all colors reside as potential in the form of light. The cognitive is represented by the sun, the ultimate light giver.

This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series here. Previous Kalis: creation (#1 Sṛiṣṭikālī,) maintaining (2 Rakta-kālī,) and destruction (#3 Sthitināśakālī) and the void (#4 Yamakālī) in the objective cycle.

The fifth Kali: Samhārakālī – containing in Herself everything.

Creation in the cognitive world. The fifth expansion*.


5. Saṁhārakālī.

उन्मनयनना निखिलार्थगर्भा
य भावसंहारनिमेषमेति ।
सदोदिता सत्युदयाय शून्यां
संहारकालीं मुदितां नमामि ॥५॥

unmanyanantā nikhilārtha-garbhā
yā bhāva saṁhāra nimeṣameti /
sadoditā satyudayāya śūnyāṁ
saṁhāra kālīṁ muditām namāmi //

I bow to the energy of the perfect void, the joyful Saṁhāra-kālī, Goddess of destruction! Infinite, beyond mind, containing in Herself everything, eternally rising, She, to rise anew, disappears in the form of objective destruction.


Ancient Kramastotra by Abhinavagupta** (Sanskrit), Kramanaya Pradipika (Hindi 1959) by Swami Lakshmanjoo, Hymnes Aux Kali La Roue Des Energies Divines (French 1975) by Lilian Silburn.
* Each of the twelve Kalis is called avikasaor expansion, because this universe is not created in the sense of being made from something. It is simply the expansion of Lord Shiva’s own nature. ~Swami Lakshmanjoo, Abhinavagupta’s Tantraloka.
** Though it is generally accepted that the author of the Ancient Kramastotra is unknown, Swami Lakshmanjoo indicated that the author may have been Abhinavagupta, the illustrious Shaiva Master who lived from 924 to 1020 C.E.
Abhinavagupta wrote in great detail about Shakti, the feminine principle in his Tantraloka, 4th Ahnika as revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo (Archives of the Lakshmanjoo Academy, publishing anticipated in 2021).



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