A Thought . . .

Its been quite here after a very busy time, and it is amazing to watch the amount of thoughts that can creep into the silence when one isn’t watching, but that’s just another thought 🙂

"Birthing" painting by Claudia Dose

“Birthing” by Claudia Dose

When you see that from a thought
every craft in the world arises and subsists—
that houses and palaces and cities,
mountains and plains and rivers,
earth and ocean as well as sun and sky,
derive their life from it as fish from the sea—
then why in your foolishness, O blind one,
does the body seem to you a Solomon,
and thought only as an ant?


source Rumi, Mathnawi, II:1034-1037

Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
“Rumi: Daylight”
Threshold Books, 1994
Persian transliteration courtesy of YahyĂĄ Monastra


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