Appeal to the Muse…

Seems like my inspiration and output in painting has been lessened lately. And I remember Elisabeth Gilberts (in her TED talk) suggesting that we shouldn’t beat ourselves up and put that much demand on our little Self. She reminds us of the Muse that used to visit artists in the old ages. Realized I haven’t heard anything from my Muse for a long time, and, since I have his email address, I send him a reminder 😉 So this is my official appeal to the Muse, who specifically asked to be mentioned by his real name, Safai…

I wish I knew what you wanted.
You block the road and won’t give me rest.
You pull my lead-rope one way, then the other.
You act cold, my darling!
Do you hear what I say?
Will this night of talking ever end?
Why am I still embarrassed and timid
about you? You are thousands.
You are one.
Quiet, but most articulate.
Your name is Spring.
Your name is wine.
Your name is the nausea
that comes from wine!
You are my doubting
and the light points
in my eyes.
You are every image, and yet
I’m homesick for you.
Can I get there?
Where the deer pounces on the lion,
where the one I’m after ‘s
after me?
This drum and these words keep pounding!
Let them both smash through their coverings
into silence.
(Rumi, in a Version by Coleman Barks, from a translation by A.J. Arberry)

Maybe this creatively quite time is just a means of entering into that silence. Or it could be the silence itself, if I’d just shut up. Or, while the pendulum is swinging sometimes this way sometimes that way, if we learn to focus our attention in the center we’d stop getting nauseated. When in the highest sense there is only One, where is the ‘you’ and the ‘I’ where is the ‘down’ time or the ‘up’ time? No one else to blame! Nowhere to go!

2 Responses to “Appeal to the Muse…

  • Do make ready your/his/His heart,spirit, hands, brushes, pencils and canvas darling.
    Feel, see, express, paint, writeand be exactly in the middle of what will be flowing wildly but with a lot of care not to hurt anywhere.
    Since we’ve overcome and won the real battle -that went on for a long time- against the strongest enemy, the ego dogs, we sure have the right to rest and be in peace in the Eden gardens of Allah.

    Hugs, kisses and loves of His/your lover.
    Allahu ekber

  • Thank you, Safai.
    What a surprise! Welcome back from the gardens of Allah 😉
    Still not sure about getting rid of those ego dogs by shock treatment, darling, but we’ll do anything to get rid of those nasty critters. Though I believe that unless we are enlightened and one with God and all of His creation (and a lover of God and all of his creation, and at peace with all of His creation) they’ll keep coming back… a battle that is, no kidding!
    Ready with the paint and brushes, heart and spirit. Nice to be in the flow…. the center that is!

    Insha’Allah (God willing).
    Love and peace

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