inspired by nature…
click to see bigger… photos copyright Claudia Dose
click to see bigger… photos copyright Claudia Dose
Back at the canvas after its been sitting there for a while, looking at it with ‘fresh eyes’. There is some more in the pipeline just not flowing onto the canvas yet . . . never mind, for now plenty busy painting the rose, emptying out my head meanwhile.
Been luxuriating in laziness over the holidays, ahhhh!Haven’t been that lazy for a long time, it felt needed and long due.No blogs or tweeds or facebook comments or likes and friends requests, tried to stay away from the computer as much as possible. Btw. here is a funny movie about the facebook frenzy. Even talking […]
…with everything it seems, especially writing in my blog, paintings seem to multiply without getting finished, to do’s are piling up, while life goes on and on…It occurred to me that I need to slow down, and that perhaps this is the perfect time for it. Too much is going on yet at the same […]
Was watching this documentary “doing time doing vipasana“, about how 10 days of silent meditation made a huge difference in the lives of the inmates as well as the officers. At the end of the course they all stood in a line to have a hug from the director (something very unusual due to caste […]
Lately it seems I have started more paintings than finished, this is one that I had put aside a while ago and got inspired to take up again…
“Love and Death both are effecting our heart… One takes the heart, the other the beat.” Anonymous (Shivastotravali, verse 15)“Those devotees who are intoxicated with the this wine of attachment, devotion, in those devotees, you just extract the hearts of people. Just by your mere presence. That is Lord Shiva’s positions. Wherever Lord Shiva is […]
Garden looks more like a jungle these days, time to do some serious pruning, it’s autumn, the chrysanthemums are almost finished with flowering, some repotting, some new seeds for the winter (it’s two seasons of gardening here in CA). How gardening is always so nourishing, feeding the soul with being connected to earth, nature and […]
The Guest House This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comesas an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all!Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,who violently sweep your houseempty of its furniture,still, treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you outfor some new […]
Wonderful concert last night at the Zipper Hall with the Camerata Pacifica. Reminds me again of the power of music. Just watching the amazing cello player Ani Aznavoorian be absorbed in her play taking the whole audience with her. She was playing together with Lera Auerbach on the piano in a composition by Lera Auerbach […]
I felt honored to be hanging my paintings with to so many talented artist from the CCAG at the art show on Saturday. There was such a variety of mediums and styles that I was glad I wasn’t in the shoes of the judge who had to make decisions of first and last.
My last painting got me thinking and wondering about what that angel is doing, looking a bit burned. And who is that (Satan?) who seems to pull it down into the dark? “Coincidentally” I was reading that according to Mansur Al-Hallaj, a Sufi saint, Satan used to be an angel who “fell from grace” because […]
This is one of the paintings that basically just appeared in front of my eyes as I kept painting. I love those moments. They make me feel as if something from way deep down is emerging that could have never emerged if I had an idea already in my head. They are much more interesting […]
I will be participating in the annual exhibit of the Culver City Art Group with some of my paintings. There is going to be a broad variety of art from local artist including oils, water colors, acrylics, ceramics, photography, collages and more! The show is judged with awards and prizes. If you are in the […]
“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Original painting 18 x W 18 inch (46 x 46 cm) acrylic and leaves on canvas, ready to […]
It seems there is a lot of uncertainty in the air lately, in the world and in everybody’s life. Perhaps as an artist we don’t noticed it much before because uncertainty seems to be a part of making art. Do we ever know why we make this or that paint stroke or why we choose […]
CERTAINTY Certainty undermines one’s power, and turns happiness into a long shot. Certainty confines. Dears, there is nothing in your life that will not change – especially your ideas of God. Look what the insanity of righteous knowledge can do: crusade and maim thousands in wanting to convert that which is already gold into gold. […]
This painting comes with a lot of history. The mat surrounding the painting is from a Jacquard fabric that I designed (way back working in Switzerland). The pattern becomes more visible when the light is shining at a particular angle. The frame goes even further back in time, to my school days while interning with […]
“A Necessary Autumn Inside Each” You and I have spoken all these words, but as for the waywe have to go, words are no preparation. There is no getting ready, other than grace. My faults have stayed hidden. One might call that a preparation!I have one small drop of knowing in my soul. Let it […]
Autumn The leaves are falling, falling as if from far up, as if orchards were dying high in space. Each leaf falls as if it were motioning “no.” And tonight the heavy earth is falling away from all other stars in the loneliness. We’re all falling. This hand here is falling. And look at the […]
A friend took me down to Santa Monica to meet Melanie, the owner of the PaintLab. What a fabulous idea. You can come and look at the art on their walls, different styles, abstract, phantasy, watercolor, graffiti, surreal, realistic and more and each of the artist represented is teaching a class in his or her […]
Haven’t been to a concert for a while, so this was a real treat: the old fashioned Händel gala at the Zipper Concert Hall, conducted by a very engaging Martin Haselbock, and the singer Dominique Labelle, absolutely stunning! Also very impressive flute musician, and they had played some beautiful old instruments. Never mind that it […]
Why are you so blind to what the soul needs?Weep for yourself as when a cloud weeps,and then the branch freshens. As when a candlereleases tears and gets brighter. Wherever people grieve over anything,you should sit with them and grieve louder,because you have an even better right to moan. They lament for what passes away. […]
Feels as if the world has been spinning a bit faster the last few days or even weeks, at least “I” for one am dizzy. Where is the exit? Let me out of this carousel! Grateful for solitude and painting…Here is some of the paintings in process. I could reach great heights with Your love, […]
Well the very first one actually happened at our house in May, so this was the first public one. I was showing my art as part of a fundraiser event (“a Night of Devotion“) last week. Thanks to all who came and made this into a special evening. Thanks to our friend Don McDaniels who […]
St. John of the Cross says it so clearly… “What is grace?” I asked God. And he said, “All that happens.” Then He added, when I looked perplexed, “Could not lovers say that every moment in their Beloved’s arms was grace? Existence is my arms, though I will understand how one can turn away from […]