where your bare foot walks…

The feet of a master have been associated with his connection to the ground and as such there is a certain gratitude and reverence for them to connect us with the higher realms here on this earth. In this painting I tried to capture this connection of the sacred among with the earth, water and […]

website updates

website updates

Been updating the website with new paintings painted thus far, plus finalized titles that appeared to fit and add to the understanding, or so I hope 😉 Have a look here.

being a “genius” versa having a “genius”…

being a “genius” versa having a “genius”…

Elizabeth Gilbert (author of the book, “Eat, Pray, Love“) muses about: “A different way to think about creative genius.” In her very funny, personal and moving talk she has some really important points that might keep us artists and “geniuses” (and everyone actually) sane, and even save some lives… “Allowing somebody … to believe that […]

A muse (ed)…

A muse (ed)…

I have a secret to tell…. I was kissed by a muse 😉Yes, I know the muses are “goddesses or spirits who inspire the creation of literature and the arts” and they are supposed to be female. Mine was a man with a flute, who visited me via the internet. And without him the latest […]

“Your art has never spoken for itself….” Arg!

“Your art has never spoken for itself….” Arg!

Been following Alyson B. Stanfield’s very informative blog and advice on marketing for artists on her website, something that I had been neglecting up to now. So finally got her new book “I’d rather be in the studio” and now there are no excuses for not doing it. One of her first advices is to […]

The Fragrance of Union

acrylic and collage on canvas, 24 x 24 inch (61 x 61 cm) This Union you want With the earth and sky, This union we all need with love, A golden wing from God’s heart just Touched the ground, Now Step upon it With your brave sun-vows And help our eyes To Dance! ~ Hafiz

in process… “Union”

1. So… I kept going and added some strokes… still not it. Keep going…. 2. Now don’t ask me where that strange thing is coming from and what it is 😉 but I like it. A piece of collage somehow found its place there and the brush kept adding more paint… 3. Something is still […]

so amazed…

so amazed…

While house/dog-sitting I found this beautiful book by Allen Ginsberg, a nature artist who crates the most amazing art from elements found in nature, ice, sticks, thorns, anything basically that holds together (or doesn’t). I marvel about his tenacity and patience he has developed. Isn’t that what we all need (and practice) especially in making […]


Now available as large stretched canvas print! Original painting by Claudia Dose acrylic on Styrofoam, 32 x 17 x 2 (depth) inch, (81,2 x 43 x 5 cm) “The more surrender the less effort; the less surrender the more effort” ~Maheshvaranatha

feel like a flute…

feel like a flute…

How long are you going to beat melike a drum and make me sighfor you like a violin. You answer, “Come. I’ll hold you close and stroke you like a lute.” But I feel more like a flutethat you put in your mouthand then neglect to blow.(Rumi)

painting process…

I thought I’d share a bit of my process of painting with this one, since I kept taking pictures….Usually I have about three paintings going at any given time (not considering those put out of sight when they seem to go nowhere). Three are about fit in the studio and still be visible for me […]

seeing a painting…

seeing a painting…

Seeing a painting is like meeting a person for the first time, something within us either clicks or it doesn’t. On the outside it is the subject matter that we are attracted to or not, the colors, the texture, the magic of illusion, the story (that gets activated within ourselves), a memory perhaps, the tone […]

The Essence

acrylic on styrofoam,32 x 17 x 2 (depth) inch,(81,2 x 43 x 5 cm) One result of the experiment painting on styrofoam, the other is still in work. Really liked the texture of the cloth that got gessoed underneath. Wish I could find some more pieces. I painted around the 2 inch edges and should […]

long time gone…

long time gone…

Loving the soundof soft and forceful rains,the smell of earthreminding me oftrees and forestsand lakes oflong forgotten landsof my childhood. Washing awaymy memory ofthings that weredear, of thingsthat never end.Eternity isa long time goneby fast. Heart pounding in therhythm of drops fallingrunlets marking thelowest point movingin slow motionquietly washing awaythe last memory ofseparation. Why is […]

“Lives big questions”

“Lives big questions”

Finally got around watching this interview of Rainn Wilson on the Oprah Soul series. He noticed when talking with young people that there is a great under-explored “kind of” believe in god. And even for grown ups it is still odd to be asking “lives big questions”. He is all for “individual investigation of truth” […]

Aiming (when the treasure is so near)

acrylic, mixed media on paper,H 24 x W 20 inch (61 x 51cm)


mixed media collage on paper, 8.5 x 12 inch

“I am not this body”

“I am not this body”

Accompanied a friend to follow an invitation to meet Swami Veda Bharati, filling in for her husband who couldn’t go. Had just started making breakfast, so packed it up and went 😉 and didn’t regret it. He was very moving. We came towards the end of the class, right in the middle of meditation (don’t […]

images of sound…

images of sound…

Concert of the Camerata Pacifica at the Zipper Hall in Downtown Los Angeles. Apart from Mozart and Brahms, what was really captivating was Lera Auerbach (b.1973) with her composition for Violoncello (Ani Aznavoorian, which I have seen and heard a few times and absolutely adore) and piano (Warren Jones). Lera Auerbach writes about the last […]



Happy Holi, the festival of colors celebrated in India. I love colors. Happy splashing with colors of any type, happy vibrations, happy creativity… “Colour and I are one. I am a painter.”Paul Klee, 1914. “Colour helps to express light, not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist’s brain.”Henri […]

Broken Promises

acrylic, mixed media on paper, H 24 x W 20 inch (61 x 51cm)

Two sides of a river

Two sides of a river

Nasreddin sat on a river bank when someone shouted to him from the opposite side:– “Hey! how do I get to the other side?”– “You are on the other side!” Nasreddin shouted back.



Felt good to be working in the garden again, lots of weeds, grass is growing all over since the rains. Trying carrots this year, a few more corn than last year to have extra for the hungry squirrels, also put seeds of string beans and sweet peas. Kohlrabi planted before winter came thru well, and […]


Have been experimenting with Styrofoam covered with cloth and gesso as a ground for painting, and its been very interesting insofar that it makes the acrylic behave almost like oil because it dries a lot slower. This could turn out the perfect in a dry climate like LA. The idea to use it came because […]

Happy Shivaratri!

Happy Shivaratri!

Last night was Shivaratri. “… it is white night, it is not dark night. Shiva means white. Ratri means night. It is that night which is bright night, it is white night, it is not dark night, it is not black night. Shiva Ratri means white night, where there is drama, where there is light, […]


acylic on canvas, 20 x 24 inch



wishing for oceans, waterfalls, rainsending up laying face down in puddlessmelling the moist mud squishing between toes barefoot we cameand barefeet we leavebut with the smell of earth in our nose (Its been raining so much, but we need a lot more here in LA to avoid a draught this year.)

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