garage clean up

garage clean up

Spend the morning lifting boxes out of the garage and rummaging through suitcases and sorting stuff for our upcoming garage sale. Wasn't that bad, my  back seems all right and I had finished before afternoon so still enough time to paint on the portrait of my brother and his wife. It's coming along quicker than I thought. […]

“I am who I am, that is that…”

“I am who I am, that is that…”

This song is going around in my head. In Germany they call it an “earworm” (Ohrwurm) 😉

Indian art

Visiting art show about Indian Artists in two galleries with friends. We where fascinated by some of the meditative paintings.

Contour drawings

Contour drawings

I don’t remember ever learning how to do contour drawings before. They look awful. Yet I am learning some important lessons; Slow down and actually look. We are not supposed to look at the drawing, which I find very hart but I better not.  I try to make it a meditative study. How long can […]

Drawing class

Drawing class

Yes, I am back to school. I haven’t been taking lessons in drawing for some years and thought I needed a refresher. My hand has become clumsy and slow. I also just needed to get out of the house and be creative or else I would have gone mad. Working on a second attempt of […]



This is my new studio space, Yuhu!Finally a place to create undisturbed.

Queen of Oranges

We visited friends in Australia and their new daughter was the inspiration for a portrait I did when I got home. A few photos were helpful as I worked long after the visit. I took the freedom to experiment with the background and keep it more expressive that is why she came out so red, […]

new plants

gardenview Originally uploaded by claudia dose. Planting loads of flowers and thinking what to do with the new veggie patch, have seeds coming up and need to organize it.

compost and more compost

compost and more compost

A giant heap of compost is waiting for me outside. The flower beds are screaming, “yay!” My back is screaming, “Oh, no!” This shall keep me busy for the next weeks.



Having so much fun with a new book I got on my birthday, scribbles.

New earth!

New earth!

Enjoy listening and watching Oprah discuss the new book “a new earth” with the author Eckhart Tolle.It kind of feels right to be going positive and more alert when all around the tendency is going the other way.I had a few revelations reading the book, especially the concept of “painbody” that we all carry around. […]

flying again…

Have been absent from the blog for quite some time so this is a back entry to catch up on what happened… I flew to Germany to attend my brother’s wedding, had a good time in Bremen (where I am from) and just pretending to be a tourist while strolling around town with my friend […]

Now that’s a blob!

blue blob with frameOriginally uploaded by claudia dose Some days are like that…I enjoy reading “care of the soul” by Thomas Moore. He says in his book…“For the soul, then, beauty is not defined as pleasantness of form but rather as the quality in things that invites absorption and contemplation. Soetsu Yanagi, founder of Japan’s […]

Tending versa realizing our dreams?

Tending versa realizing our dreams?

Very interesting read over at my friend Sarah’s blog about tending our dreams versa realizing our dreams has me thinking. I really like the idea of tending, and putting more awareness into the things I am doing, from clothes to what I eat, what books I read and even which thoughts I am having. I […]


Sometimes… sometimes Originally uploaded by claudia dose I am not sure what it is… I am not sure what it is! Originally uploaded by claudia dose

decoupage box

So, I did go wild and worked on my decoupage box….

People and more people

I have never in my life painted so many people. They are not very detailed but still, they have to look right. I have a couple of references, I was lucky that I took so many pictures the last time I was in Kashmir at the Havan (fire ceremony) and those come handy now because […]

Tending or realizing our dreams?

Tending or realizing our dreams?

Very interessting read over at my friend Sarah‘s blog about tending our dreams versa realizing our dreams has me thinking. I really like the idea of tending, and putting more awareness into the things I am doing, from the way I wear my clothes to the choice of my meals, what books I read and […]

paint shoes “digitally”

paint shoes “digitally”

painted shoes I was reading Dr. Laura Schlessingers books about “bad childhood good life” and how woman screw up their lives and how to tend marriage etc. The author is to the point and in your face but in a good way and I learned a lot from reading it. Putting stuff in perspective. Though […]

paper cut-outs

I am not really into all the Christmas buzz, and we are having silent days instead this year, but couldn’t help myself when I saw these cutouts at Here are the instructions… [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”how to make animal ornaments_ DIY Projects_”]

Ananda Moya Ma

Ananda Moya Ma

New Picture of Ananda Moya Ma and of cause I need to change it to get that sweet smile of hers.

Bellingen comunity market

Bellingen comunity market

Was looking forward to going to the famous Bellingen market and finally did, but got the date mixed up and so there was no market on. I still enjoyed the trip through the country and seeing the lovely Bellingen river.

Triptich of Mary and Jesus

Triptich of Mary and Jesus

It is so sweet to meet the prayer group of my mother in law, who come together in her house every week to pray for other people. People that call them with their problems but who they hardly know are being thought of with such compassion and heart. They are creating such a loving atmosphere […]

getting washed up on the beach in Australia

  I am so excited about swimming in the ocean and the sun on my skin that just to get the most out of it and had to get myself a bikini, the first in my whole live! That’s how nice it is here at this time of the year. Just perfect temperatures for me. […]


Just finished a little decoupage project. A friend was teaching a little group of us and this is probably not exactly what she had in mind but I kind of liked it in the end. It is a little round container with a lid. I used some of my sketches printed out as a starting […]

Started on the details of devotees listening to Abhinavagupta in the Painting

Started on the details of devotees listening to Abhinavagupta in the Painting

Started on the details of devotees listening to Abhinavagupta. I wasn’t sure if women and men should be sitting separately, as it is the custom now in most of the ashrams, so I decided to mix it a little. Continued on the layers in the background and some more distinguished brushwork on land, and I […]

lotus ponds left and right

  Here it is with the lotus ponds in place, was easy work to dig them out and plant some… Next thing will be more difficult, adding people on the left and right. Right now they are only “balloon-heads”.  

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