Come see my art in Tampa, Florida

Courage to Connect – Networking for Joy – Exhibit

I am happy and looking forward to a group exhibit that I am going to be part of in Florida at the Carrollwood Cultural Center. The group I am exhibit with has been a very special group of women. For the past 7 years, we have been meeting online regularly to generate more joy in […]

12 Kalis # 6 painting by Claudia Dose

Destroyer of Doubts (12 Kalis #7)

Furiously frowning in Her dance of destruction. By the flame of Her unlimited power, she devours in one gulp the entire universe at the time of total dissolution. She destroys all doubts immediately without any effort on the part of the yogi. Compare to Yamakālī who requires effort. An exploration into the 12 Kalis thru […]

Black Kali painting by Claudia Dose

Black Kali – feminine power – mother earth – nature

When I was starting to explore the 12 Kalis creatively, sketching and intuitively painting, and just letting happen whatever wanted to emerge (my favorite way to paint), the beginning of this painting appeared. As I was further researching more of the details of the 12 Kalis, it didn’t seem to fit the series, so I […]

Fountain of calm

Got myself a little aquarium pump, and together with a giant glass jar and a few pebbles it turner into instant relaxation and calm! I just love the sound of it. So simple! What is your way to relax?

12 Kalis #6 Mrityukali The Kiss of Death Painting by Claudia Dose

The Kiss of Death – Destroyer of Death (12 Kalis #6)

The conscious energy, hungry for pure subjectivity ‘kills death’. Here in the cognitive cycle it is the death of the ego, self reflection, and yet the knowledge “i created this” which still carries the residues of duality. Pride is the king of objectivity and therefore of death; the ego and death being intimately connected. This […]


Containing in Herself everything (12 Kalis #5)

Where the senses awaken and all potential lies. A brain ready to receive its signals. Sending its tangles of nerve fibers into the unknown. A black hole, which absorbs stars and planets in its void and at the same time spits out another new universe elsewhere. Black the color that includes all colors. White is […]

In the Eye of the Storm (Kali)

Mixed media painting (round fabric designed by me, watercolor, acrylic paint on watercolor paper 8 x 8 inches). An abstract exploration into the 12 Kalis. Functions in five states of Kali: who throws out, who knows, who counts, who goes/resorts, who shouts/sounds.

Time in Timelessness

Watching (and “reading” the audiobook of) Outlander has been a real time-bender for my mind. It stretches and bends and warps my sense of the idea of time. There is ‘me’ in this time of global pandemic watching an actor from my time playing a character from the time just after the Second World War […]

12 Kalis #4 - Yamakālī - who attracts everything into Herself

Where the energy (of Kali) attracts everything into herself! (12 Kalis #4)

The void stage. This stage of withdrawal happens in the objective cycle after creation (#1 Sṛiṣṭikālī,) maintaining (2 Rakta-kālī,) and destruction (#3 Sthitināśakālī) if one doesn’t fall into sleep. This is where the energy (of Kali) attracts everything into herself. This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the […]

circular doodle with instructions

Circular Doodle – With Instructions

How has the COVID and #stayhome time treated you? Are you working from home, back to work with social distance and face covered, lost your work/home or thriving with the extra time to yourself? Getting anxious to get out again? Or are you relaxing into the “not knowing” that this time brings and the uncertainty […]


A tiny seed from the bottom of my heart

नवरेह मुबारक “Navareh Mubarak”, as they say in Kashmir, congratulations for the New Year that just started according to the Kashmiri calendar. I am very inspired by Greta Lundberg, maybe because I feel a bit like her, tiny and powerless to change the world. Yet her courage has tremendous power. I admire how she keeps […]

Pearls Of Wisdom painting by ClaudiaDose

Painting for trees – Raising $2020 for planting 2020 trees in 2020.

I guess by now you have heard about the impact climate change has through the extreme example in Australia. The pictures of dying animals and fleeing people on smoke-filled beaches are heartbreaking. I couldn’t stand it any longer and had to do something. I looked at the fundraisers for koalas and people and saw that […]

Exhibiting with Berkeley Art Center – Member Show

I finally joined the local art center and participated at their member show. The reception was incredibly packed, with people as well as with amazing artworks. Here are some of the artwork that impressed me…

hugging the inner child - painting by claudia dose

Hugging my inner child – while painting a toddler

Do you believe that the Universe or Higher Self or God or whatever you want to call it puts us in situations where we learn more about ourselves? I kept thinking about that while I was painting and finishing my most recent portrait of a toddler girl. At first, I was just glad that I […]

Portrait of a toddler by Claudia Dose

Portrait of a toddler girl

After a month of work, here she is… Tada! I am happy to hand her back to her mother 🙂 Details, close up… Acrylic paint on canvas, 24 x 20 inches, painted around the edges, ready to hang. You can see the process here… Contact me if you would be interested to have your or […]

painting process portrait of a toddler girl by Claudia Dose

Portrait painting of a toddler girl – a work in process

I am taking a welcome break from painting the 12 Kalis and instead working on a commissioned portrait painting of a cute toddler girl. It feels more lighthearted to paint a portrait and not to be focusing so deeply on the meaning of life and death, hahaha. To prepare the portrait and to I transfer […]

Emotional Literacy Survival Kit – FREE DOWNLOAD

What is emotional literacy and why do we need it? “We have to have emotional literacy to practice empathy and self compassion. We have to have a vocabulary to talk about our emotions. The average number of emotions that people are able to name is three: Happy, sad, depressed. That is not enough. The more […]

12 Kalis #3 - The third Kali: Sthitināśakālī - resting in a very peaceful vision.

Resting peacefully in the destruction of objectivity (12 Kalis #3)

This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series… The first Kali: Sṛiṣṭikālī – first expansion – creation in the cycle of objectivity., #2 Rakta-kali – drinking from the goblet of the senses – maintaining in the cycle of objectivity. The third Kali: Sthitināśakālī – […]

I finally have my own art space – a dream come through

I just moved into my new studio in our garage, so I can finally paint undisturbed. I was yearning for this for a while. Beginning of this year I got a taste of it as I rented part of a garage down the hill in town. Now, this is much more convenient, close enough to […]

12Kalis #2 drinking from the goblet of the senses paintingby Claudia Dose

Drinking from the goblet of the senses (12 Kalis #2)

This is the second Kali in a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series… The first Kali was Sṛiṣṭikālī – first expansion – creation in the cycle of objectivity. The second Kali: Rakta-kālī – drinking from the goblet of the senses. Protection in the cycle of objectivity. The second […]

12 Kalis #1 – Srishtikali - first expansion*

First expansion – creation in objectivity (12 Kalis #1)

This is the continuation of a series on the 12 Kalis, read more about the concept behind the series… Starting with the first one: Sṛiṣṭikālī – first expansion. Creation in the cycle of objectivity. The first expansion*. Creation in the cycle of objectivity. The first impulse of perception, the first expansion*. Here is the verse […]

A bit of a Retreat in my friend's Japanese themed house and Garden

A bit of a Retreat in my friend’s Japanese themed house and Garden

Staying with my friend and her cute little dog in her Japanese themed house and marvelous Zen garden. Its so calm and meditative here that I feel like I am on a retreat.  

Painting afternoon with my favorite art pals from the Culver City Art Club

Spent a wonderful creative painting afternoon with my favorite art pals from the Culver City Art Club.  

A Doodle A Day > Arriving centered! – And a Gift for You

Back in LA, preparing for the birthday celebration for our spiritual teacher, followed by a study retreat. In an attempt to get at least some small amount of creativity into my day, and inspired by a stash of glitter and gel pens I decided to do a doodle a day. Combining that with an emotional […]

Peaceful Spring time in Kashmir

We went to Kashmir for a family celebration and then ended up staying double the time we had planned, all of April. It was the most peaceful and the most beautiful I have ever experienced in Kashmir. We were able to visit a few temples and sacred places and ancient sites…    

expansion - being sick

Expansion – of my own – before moving forward with the 12 Kalis

Expansion! That is my motto for the year 2019. To find and expand my boundaries, stretch* and challenge myself. As I continue with the series of the 12 Kalis, I understand them as a quest to expand myself also… “Each of the 12 Kalis is called Vikasa or expansion because the universe is not created […]

My first rented art space – “a room of one’s own”

I had enough! Enough of not having a space to paint. Enough of doodles and small sketches and still being disrupted. I was going crazy without being able to put my creativity anywhere. As Virginia Woolf so famously wrote in her book A Room of One’s Own (1929), “a woman must have money and a […]

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