Art journaling while doing Ayurvedic Panchakarma (cleanse)

While I was in India to rejuvenate at an ayurvedic clinic/ashram doing panchakarma (cleanse), I was also planning to paint, journal and scribble. What I didn’t plan was that I had a cold/cough for two weeks and couldn’t start the treatments during that time. At first I was a very disappointed but then realized that […]

Where the Ayurvedic medicine comes from

I went on my first outing since my mega cleanse. I had asked the doctor if we could see where the Ayurvedic medicine comes from (like many other Ayurvedic clinics they make their own herbal concoctions). Every Sunday they go and visit the farm, not far from the main house. One of two plots is […]

Already two weeks in India

It’s been already two weeks in India and it seems like I have been here forever. We spent almost a week with the sweetest family in Bangaluru. Now we are a week into Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment but due to a bad cold I haven’t been able to start the actual treatment. What has started already […]

12 Kalis fire

Fire > consuming > fertilizing < 12 Kalis

Looking at some pictures of the recent, horrific forest fires in California, and also some photos of previous wild fires I noticed how nature bounces back, even in some cases thrives, after a forest fire and how some trees can’t propagate and grow seeds without being exposed to the fire and extreme heat. In some […]

Trying the impossible – painting the 12 Kalis

Kali is an Indian name for the feminine energy, who like a divine mother creates, maintains and destroys the universe from within her own nature. You have probably seen already a painting of her with tongue sticking out and many arms, one of them holding a sword. Well, that is not what I had in […]

“Wonder Women” Local Treasures – thinking of 12 Kalis, feminine energy

Went to the panel discussion for the art show “Wonder Women: Local Treasures” at the Berkeley art center . . . and thought about the 12 Kalis, feminine energy! From their brochure: Curated by George Krevsky featuring artists: Helen Berggruen, Kay Bradner, Stacey Carter, Dana DeKalb, Lisa Esherick, Robbin Henderson, Naomie Kremer, Diana Krevsky, Tabitha […]

my heart will not be still . . .

my heart will not be still . . .

Not sure why I love Persian music so much, and this one went straight to my heart . . . my heart will not be still it is trapped in his noose if it does not perish in this passion it is because of the master’s grace his pain is the real cure heart ache […]

Inspired by the Beauty of Darkness

How do you cope with “dark” days? At least weather wise I am having difficulties to get used to the darkness and clouds here in the north of Germany. To cheer me up I decided to visit the art museum, Kunsthalle in Bremen. This time I was strange drawn not to the colorful paintings but […]

Impressions from the North of Germany

Today was a typical foggy day on the coast and I took the bus down to the small town of Vegesack, Bremen, in the North of Germany. In the tiny harbor of Vegesack they have a museum part where they keep older ships, its like a museum. This is where I took the photos… Hope you enjoy!

canvas prints by Claudia Dose

Stretched Canvas prints available now

I ordered a couple of stretched canvas prints of my paintings and really love the way they turned out. Check out my store or contact me for more information. Below are some older paintings I had printed on stretched canvas… 40 x 30 inches

Pearls Of Wisdom painting by ClaudiaDose

Pearls of Wisdom (wisdom of the trees)

I believe that there is wisdom in trees. “When we have learned how to listen to trees, then the brevity and the quickness and the childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy,” wrote Hermann Hesse in his lyrical love letter to our arboreal companions. Kalpavriksha, the tree of life, also meaning “World Tree” […]

"Heart Wisdom" painting by ClaudiaDose

Heart Wisdom

Did you know that the heart is actually what runs our brains? I read that… “Most of us have been taught in school that the heart is constantly responding to “orders” sent by the brain in the form of neural signals. However, it is not as commonly known that the heart actually sends more signals […]

Yoni and Voice-painting by Claudia Dose

Yoni and Voice – Expressing the Feminine Energy

This is the continuation from a series of paintings that started off digitally (A Sacred Sanctum for the Wounded Feminine Voice). Now continued in mixed media on styrofoam*, my favorite medium for the time being. While I was painting this one I was listening to throat chakra opening chants and meditative music, to tune in.  […]

Claudia Dose with detail of "Heart Wisdom" painting at CCAG exhibit

Thank you and photos from the CCAG show 2017

Thank you all who came  last Saturday at the Culver City Art Club annual Holiday Show in Playa Vista CA. to enjoy inspiring art works by wonderful local artists, awards (our judge for this year was Louis Stephen Gadal), door prices (for guests only), food and drink and fun. I really enjoyed meeting with old and […]

Preview of art show 2017

Mark the day Sat 11/11 and come see me and my paintings

You are invited to the CULVER CITY ART GROUP HOLIDAY – ART EXHIBIT 2017 Saturday November 11th, Noon – 6 pm Meet me and my art and that of many other talented and professional artist. This is the perfect way to enjoy your Saturday afternoon, surrounded by beautiful artwork, meet new exciting people, enjoy refreshments […]

can beauty save the world?

Can beauty save the world?

A friend of mine invited me to an award ceremony at the Bower Center here in Berkeley, for an organization that protects the mangrove forests and islands called Seacology. As I entered the building I was captivated by by what I thought at first to be some giant paintings but then when I reached out […]

A feast for the senses

In August we went to do Panchakarma in Kerala, South India. Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic means to purify your body in five different ways and Kerala is the classic place to do it. Those ancient Ayurvedic techniques are still practiced today in India and they still work.Panchakarma is perhaps even more important today with all […]

Abhinavagupta and the lineage of Kashmir Shaivite masters

Gurunatha (Abhinavagupta and the Lineage of Kashmir Shaiva Masters)

I updated the painting of Abhinavagupta by adding a dignifying shawl to his torso instead of him being bare-chested. So here he is with the rest of the Lineage of Kashmir Shaiva Masters (Gurunatha), with his chief disciples Kshemaraja and Yogaraja at his feet, and Swami Ram, Swami Lakshmanjoo and Swami Mahatabkak in the foreground. […]

Portrait of small child by Claudia Dose

Painting of a Young Child

I have been working on this portrait for my friends of their four year old daughter for quite a while, and it has been quite challenging. Part of that could be that i am so used to seeing her every day and yet she won’t sit still long enough to actually study her features. I […]

doodle mandala class with Claudia Dose

Teaching Healing Doodling Mandalas

Just came back from teaching my first doodling mandala class at a workshop in LA. Two very dear friends, that I call family, Shanna and Denise Hughes, have asked me if I wanted to teach a healing art class at a Yoga Day in Culver City. After setting our intentions Shanna taught a gentle yoga class followed […]


A Sacred Sanctum for the Wounded Feminine Voice

That’s the title of one of the new course my dear Friend Natascha is offering on her website. Natascha is a very gifted and intuitive and empathic voice healer. I felt very inspired by the title already “A Sacred Sanctum for the Wounded Feminine Voice” and after she explained it a bit more I was deeply […]


As I was looking for an inspiring yet not too challenging project for teaching a student with no experience in painting, I stumbled about my old notes from studying in Bauhaus style, which taught me a lot of elementary painting projects that are profound but simple to do. I loved this one especially: just dots in different themes, like […]

Doodlemandala by Claudia Dose


I know this is a long word and probably doesn’t exist in English language. In German we connect words together, long words, that have new meaning. In Sanskrit, I learned, it is also quite common to combine words as long as a sentence. What are Zendoodlemandalas? As the name suggests, they are mandalas, made from […]

Finding my way back to the line with doodling

Finding my way back to the line with doodling

I am a “shader”! I have a hard time to leave a line all by itself. I feel more at home in the realms of painting and drawing as a means to create shapes or the illusion of shapes. Sure, I remember filling the margins of my math notebook with doodles to avoid looking like I wasn’t working on […]

Claudia Dose with painting that won honorable mention

Thank you for coming to the art show (photos)

Thank you all who came  last Saturday at the Culver City Art Club annual Holiday Show in Playa Vista CA. I hope you enjoyed inspiring art works by wonderful local artists, awards (our judge for this year was Ernie Marjoram), door prices for guests only, food and drink and fun. I really enjoyed meeting with friends […]

Culver City Art Show 2016

Come see my paintings and “art boxes” next Saturday, Nov. 12th.

You are invited to the CULVER CITY ART GROUP HOLIDAY – ART EXHIBIT 2016 Saturday November 12th, Noon – 6 pm Apart from viewing my art and that of many other talented and professional artist this is the perfect way to enjoy your Saturday afternoon, surrounded by beautiful artwork, meet new exciting people, enjoy refreshments, […]

me at "Unstoppable Live"

Unstoppable or what is stopping us

I am not exactly sure what I found so scary about attending a workshop called “Unstoppable” by Bill Baren Coaching. Bill is known worldwide as a transformational business coach. Over 20,000 people from 32 countries have participated in Bill’s online and live trainings. I was invited to attend the workshop for free and since it was just […]

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