
Summer travels

What a summer it was! Exiting and adventurous travel in North India. Visiting friends and family in Europe to hang out and relax. Actually it was so nice to be in Europe in summer, I haven’t been there in the summer for so many years, so it was a real treat. Everything flowering and green. […]

I bow to the surprise and wonder…. a tribute

Just re-reading Red’s book of poems that his daughter gave us after he passed away. I will forever remember the silence that surrounded him. We used to visit him many times first in his house in the blue mountains and later in the nursing home playing the guitar for him. I even made a sketch […]

untitled red ball of light - painting by Claudia Dose

Does the picture quarrel with the painter?

Been thinking about this a lot. How this crazy, at times wonderful, at other times painful illusion of existence and non-existence makes it possible paint, to love and be in love with God and in the end be taken by God and yet be of God. Rumi says it so well… We and our existences […]

“Cycle of life” earth mother/girl/embryo

This painting is about the cycle of life, earth, mother, feminine energy, shakti and how we are nourished and nurtured by her. She is made up of 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether). Although she sometimes gets depicted as an icon or a statue in her prime of life, she is actually existing in […]

Cycle of life, earth, mother, feminine energy – a painting in process

My latest painting is about the cycle of life, earth, mother, feminine energy, shakti. I am still unsure about the final title. As it appeared on the canvas it felt like quite a long birthing process with lots of possibilities. I love this about painting in an intuitive way. Its like something inside is trying […]

Looking back to move foward

I was reading that in order to move forward we need to first look back at what we have already done, then learn from that and plan ahead. Now, I have to admit for some reason I have never really paid much attention once I have done something or looked back at my paintings unless […]

“Fragments”, small paintings

“Fragments” I was contemplating the experience of most people living in this world of feeling separated, fragments of the whole. Whereas we can clearly see how we are all connected on so many levels. It’s visible on a physical level in re-recurring patterns of the universe in our bodies, brains and cell structures. We can […]

Thank you! (and photos of the art show)

I had a great time today at the art show and really enjoyed seeing my friends and their new art works. Thank you for coming and making it a wonderful event. The commissioned portrait below won a ribbon with “Honorable Mention”.  

Showing my art next Saturday

I look forward to meeting you… at the Culver City Art Group Holiday Art Exhibit 2015 Sat. November 7th noon – 6 pm Artist’s Reception: 3:30pm – 4:59pm (meet the artist and enjoy refreshments) Awards: 5 pm Playa Vista CenterPointe Club, 6200 Playa Vista Drive, Playa Vista CA 90094 (get directions) Come stop by to […]

portrait painting of Swami Lakshmanjoo

Commissioned portrait painting and how it all started

Just finished a commissioned portrait painting. A friend of mine and devotee of Swami Lakshmanjoo asked me to paint his portrait. This is not the first painting I made of him. It started years ago with me archiving and editing his photos in Photoshop. At a certain point I was so familiarized with his face […]

The masters, in all their glory!

Detail of larger painting of the Kashmir Shaiva masters: Abhinavagupta – Gurunatha In this detail: Swami Ram, Swami Lakshmanjoo, Swami Mahatabkak

Sunset Triplet painting on the wall

Sunset triplet painting

I just finished a huge painting that I made for my friends living room. They have been so kind to let us stay here again this year after we had been visiting and extending our stay last year. Its been a blessing on both sides. Their small children brighten our days and they are happy […]

Workshop with Julia Weaver

Went to a beautiful workshop with Julia Weaver and Barbara Karlsen last Sunday. “Devotion to the Ocean”: Awaken, Embody, & Illuminate Our Oceanic Self: Mandala Process and Continuum Movement. Join Julia Weaver MFT, BFA and Barbara Karlsen BN, MA for a unique and intimate opportunity to revitalize your human blueprint and to awaken this ancient […]

Showing my art in a group show

I look forward to meeting you… at the Culver City Art Group Holiday Art Exhibit 2014 Sat. November 22nd noon – 6 pm Artist’s Reception: 3:30pm – 4:59pm (meet the artist and enjoy refreshments) Awards: 5 pm Playa Vista CenterPointe Club,  6200 Playa Vista Drive, Playa Vista CA 90094 (get directions) Come stop by to […]

Fledgeling by Claudia Dose


Encaustic (hot wax and pigment) on Masonite board, framed H 20 x W 16 inch (51 x 40.5cm), framed, ready to hang. Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid or paste is then applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though canvas and […]

exhibiting with THE PEACE PROJECT

My painting “Burned Angel” has been selected for the traveling exhibit of THE PEACE PROJECT.  If you are in the bay area, near San Francisco please visit…  “Peace, Love & Understanding – The Event” is this Saturday, October 5, at ArtZone 461 Gallery RSVP for this free event online at and we’ll see you there! ArtZone 461 IS […]

Promise me….

“Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves, that you forget, truly forget . . . how much you have always loved to swim.” -Tyler Knott Gregson Birthing “Out of Light Darkness is born” acrylic on masonite panel 21.75 x 14.75 inches (55 […]


It all started with a dream: Where I slowly fell into the depth of a pool, really deep, and looking up I could see the square opening of it, like a dark window. “It makes no sense” I kept telling myself, as usually the surface of the water would be light, not dark, and I […]

Birthing of a painting… and a dream

It all started with a dream: Where I slowly fell into the depth of a pool, really deep, and looking up I could see the square opening of it, like a dark window. “It makes no sense” i keep telling myself, as usually the surface of the water would be light not dark, and I […]

learning encaustic painting…

I had a wonderful inspiring time at Kline Academy, in a workshop learning about encaustic painting by the fabulous Yvette Gellis. If you have never heard about encaustic, it is a mix of pigment, wax and resin that needs to be applied warm, that’s why there are all those tools: an iron, a heat gun, […]

“There were two birds…”

“There were two birds in a forest, so close to each other. One, always used to sing and the other used to listen, only. One day, the one that only used to listen died. The next day, the singing bird died.” Zen story by Safai Özer.   Acrylic and collage on canvas 12 x 12 inches […]

Greeting Cards with my paintings

I made these greeting cards first for myself to send to friends and then realized that others might also like to send them. So here they are, three different designs so far but I can make any design of any of the paintings. Contact me if you are interested. Set of four Greeting Cards with […]

morning hours

I have shifted my studio times into the early morning hours. It such a precious time. Even though I love the late nights for its quietness but it was also getting a bit exhausting. An added bonus for painting in the mornings is the natural light (well, not if its not too early :)). Still […]

Juried art show, second prize

This painting won 2nd prize in the juried art show in Westchester Town Hall this weekend. It was organized by the Pacific Art Guild. It was lucky I still had the painting here because it was supposed to be already with the owners, the parents of the handsome boy. “Nurturing” 15 x 15 x 1.5 inch […]

“Your voice may sound unfamiliar to you if you’ve never heard it before!”

Getting back into the studio after a long absence of only small projects and dabbling with felt. Been very busy with my non-profit work and had to put my full attention to it in order to complete a project there. And even though I was sooo drooling with anticipation of messing around with juicy colors […]

Something I always wanted to try…

I’ve always wanted to learn to felt. And when I saw the beautiful creations my massage therapist had made I was all flames. She gave me felted flower telling me how easy it is . .  . So lately, when I haven’t been able to start and finish any big projects and irking for something […]

The body . . .

Reading Daniel Ladinsky’s translation of Rumi verses and really like this one, perhaps befitting the last painting . . .  “where you touched me everything grows . . .” In any case something to contemplate while we still have a body . . .  what is it that needs to be born from it? The […]

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