This is going to be a long winded story…. slow art

This is going to be a long winded story…. slow art

At the “Slow Art” event we spend a long time looking at just one painting, instead of rushing past hundreds of paintings without seeing or worse being overwhelmed. As the host was a yoga teacher, she encouraged us to compare our initial reaction with the feeling after seeing it for a while, which is done […]

the fabric of life… (death)

new painting, with details… Is it the fading tulips on the table (love it) or the general mood of retreating and de-cluttering, of letting go and getting back to the basics, who knows. It is a re-acurring theme in my life, that of death. As my favorite quote: “death is always on your heels” (Swami […]

Bleeding… small works for sale

I really like the way the leaf blends with the thorn and the cross, perhaps a reminder to the kind of suffering that we have to bear sometimes for understanding our true destiny… “Bleeding” acrylic on Masonite board, unframed H 6 x W 6.5 inches (15.2 x 16.5 cm)

There Could Be Holy Fallout

There Could Be Holy Fallout

I love this! Of course by Hafiz, so funny and yet so true… We are often in battle.So often defending every side of the fort,It may seem, all alone.Sit down, my dear,Take a few deep breaths,Think about a loyal friend.Where is your music,Your pet, a brush ? Surely one who has lasted as long as […]

in the eye of the snake… small painting

“In the eye of the snake” acrylic on masonite panel H 4 x W 4 inch (10 x 10 cm)

In the studio… small and big works in progress

Sweating the small stuff… and getting paintings done one night at a time 🙂 “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.’ (Thomas Edison) This is a small painting that evolved from a circle and ended in a snake 😉 Acrylic painted on masonite board 4 x 4 inch (10 x 10cm) There is a […]

Website update…

Been working on my website and added 5 recent paintings to it. The link on the pictures below should send you to the page, where you can see close up views and details be clicking on the photo, a lightbox should pop up (Sorry, doesn’t work in Internet Explorer!). At the same time have added […]

losing it…

losing it…

Got a huge shock last night. While working on my website I had been consolidating backups from old to new computer, de-cluttering, and at the end of the day missing a folder of very important files for work . . . went to bed with thoughts of the worse . . . what would be […]

letting go…

letting it fly like a kite in the sky… “Letting go” acrylic on canvas, 16 x 12 inches (40.5 x 30.5 cm)

Too much stuff… or abundance for the sake of creativity?

Too much stuff… or abundance for the sake of creativity?

Seems to come with the spring, this urge to clean up for a new beginning.Time to pull up the weeds in the garden and plant salad. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff in the studio making room for some fresh ideas. Not sure if I will go so far as the minimalists, but I like the […]

Birthing (Out of Darkness, Light is born)

Sometimes when I don’t quite understand what the world is trying to tell me, or I am not quite sure where a painting is taking me, it helps me to remember that… “Everything is gestation and then birthing. To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion in itself, in the […]

Getting out and about…

Went on an outing with the Culver City Artist Group to Bergamot station. Lots of Galleries and lots of other stuff to see. I should go out more often, it was very inspiring, even the trip on the bus. Felt like a kid exploring the world. On the right is a car that was filled […]

When there is unconditional surrender…

When there is unconditional surrender…

This came to me after painting my latest painting (below) while contemplating the meaning of surrender, and I thought it was quite befitting…. It is from the Bhagavad Gita my favorite text of all times… Those who say, “I have understood the reality of Parabhairava,” they have not understood. Those who say, “I have not […]

Surrender&Alertness by Claudia Dose

‘Surrender and alertness’ painting and other acts of faith

It never ceases to amaze me when a painting is finally finished… and yet I never seem absolutely sure, or as Paul Gardner put it, “A painting is never finished — it just stops in interesting places.” Sounds a little less harsh than what Leonardo da Vinci supposedly said, “Art is never finished, only abandoned.” […]


in the eye of the beholder . . . painting in process

This sure needs some more work . . .

Our soul is so vast . . .

HIS LIPS UPON THE VEIL He has never left you. It is just that your soul is so vast that just like the earth in its innocence, it may think, “I do not feel my lover’s warmth against my face right now.” But look, dear, is not the sun reaching down its arms and always […]

How the deer quietly sneaked into the painting . . .

. . . honestly escaped me, but it started all very randomly, a couple of scribbles of sanskrit that got lost in the different textures of brush stokes . . . almost like a thick forest, when I saw a head appear thru the light and still fascinated with “hrim” from the previous painting . […]

One more thing to do . . . do I really need a fanpage?

One more thing to do . . . do I really need a fanpage?

After much prodding and resisting I finally sucumbed to making a fanpage. What convinced me in the end was reading Lisa Call’s blog ““. In her article “Do I need a facebook fanpage?” she writes that it is technically illigal to have my art on an ordinary facebook profile. And finally, here’s a little tidbit […]

Knowledge (mudra)

In this painting, a hand mudra emerges intuitively which seems rooted in the ground but reaches towards the moon. In the delicate dance between art and spirituality, I feel, a profound connection exists, one that transcends the boundaries of the tangible and ventures into the realm of the ineffable. Both art and spirituality often rely […]

the infinite ran to the edge of space . . .

the infinite ran to the edge of space . . .

NO ONE WILL BEGRUDGE ME I talk about it sometimes with Him, all the suffering in the world. “Dear God,” I have prayed, “how is it possibleall the horrors I have seen, all the atrocities you allow manto commit when you–God–are ever standingso near and could help us?Could we not hear your voice say ‘No’with […]

painting in process . . .

this time it looks as if a mudra is emerging from the abstract beginnings . . . and so it goes . . . not finished yet.

He is filled with tears, everywhere . . . Love

He is filled with tears, everywhere . . . Love

Here is the promised snippet, that I talked about in my last post, about what love is by Swami Lakshmanjoo . . . there are those saints that are moved to tears by everything they see, smell, hear or touch . . . “This supreme state is absolutely different from all these, you may call […]

Love it when art inspires art . . .

By Liz Bennefield Looking at Claudia’s painting, I recall a poem that I wrote a very long time ago. “Memories” I do not live alone.One by one come memories,purged by time,existing once againin the perfectionof what might have been. Visit her two blogs (“the moments between” and “quite spaces”) for more poems and wonderful photos. […]

“Jewel of Remembrance”

This painting reminds me of a passage I found in the Bhagavad Gita where Swamiji Lakshmanjoo was explaining what love/devotion to God is like: “He is filled with tears everywhere”. The seeker’s heart becomes a vessel overflowing with a love that transcends the boundaries of the mundane and embraces the divine. Where every tear becomes […]

Could you embrace that?

Could you embrace that?

After watching Avatar, I had a discussion on facebook about my disappointment with its solution to the problems of survival of this planet being again war, as it has been unsuccessfully practiced in history for eons now. Though I really liked the way they showed the connectedness of everything and wished they could have plugged […]

the long and winding path of painting… continued

This is what I like about painting without pre-conceived ideas, and without judging and reasoning (at least not while painting), and this is how they seem to teach me. Usually though this happens long after I have painted them and this one might have been an exception because it took longer to complete and I […]

the long and winding path of a painting

Haven’t finished this one, but since it has been taken so long I have had more time to wonder about this latest painting that has been evolving in my studio… You can click the “in process” tag on the side or beneath and it should just show those posts relating to the process. There was […]

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