Contact me

Thank you for visiting my website.

Claudia Dose painting in the studio

Please contact me via email or phone if you have any questions or inquiries. I am open to commissions of original paintings and creating customized prints for your needs.

email:     phone: +1 (424) 229 2051

You may find some of your questions answered in the articles below.

If you like to read more about what inspires me subscribe to my “muse-letters”.

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My biggest passion is to share positive, uplifting and healing art with others and inspire them to access their inner world and their own hidden mystical story. Thank you for supporting my work.

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4 Responses to “Contact me

  • Claudia,
    Hi. Hope you and George are well. I am excited about the painting I won in the auction.

    I am interested in another painting of yours. Do you have more of the Abhinavagupta prints available?

    Jai Guru Dev,

    • Thank you Cella.
      Yes, I am able to make more prints. I will email you with more details…

      Jai Guru Dev,

  • I’m so looking forward to completion of Swami Matanbak (sorry about spelling). I will be waiting to here how copies can be purchased.

    • Thanks Susan, I will pursue this after our trip to India and let you know in email. Love, Claudia

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