membership screening…

I had been busy preparing for the annual membership screening at G25, Los Angeles Art Association. I was thinking about doing it for a while before I got the guts to do it. I really like their opportunities for “emerging Artist”, to get to know other artist and learn more about the “art world’ out there. I heard from others that it is extremely difficult to land a place and so I wasn’t too much disappointed that I didn’t make it.

They offered all the people that had applied and didn’t make it, a new Artist Apprentice Services for the affordable price of $65. It sounded like a generous offer but I realized that with my time and transportation limited I should better focus on doing my art rather than learning how to make a career out of it. There will be opportunities to learn those things down the line, it probably wasn’t supposed to happen at this point in time.

I really learned a lot while preparing for it, sorting my artwork and writing the statement. It clarified some of my priorities and straightened the path ahead. It would have been a nice way to get out of the isolation that encases one when working for too long alone on ones art, but on the other hand that can also be a good way of doing the art without much concern about what others are thinking and intensifying and deepening the visual voice.

In any case the process provided me with an opportunity to get my Mothers portraits (“Traces”) professionally framed, which I wouldn’t have done otherwise. And this way I can see just how very personal they are.

 Traces (portraits of my mother) Traces (portraits of my mother) Traces (portraits of my mother)

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