In the studio… small and big works in progress

Sweating the small stuff… and getting paintings done one night at a time šŸ™‚

“Genius is one percent inspiration,

ninety-nine percent perspiration.’

(Thomas Edison)

This is a small painting that evolved from a circle and ended in a snake šŸ˜‰

Acrylic painted on masonite board
4 x 4 inch (10 x 10cm)

There is a few more small ones coming up, like the one below (6 x 6.5″), which is still in work…
works in processyou can see the pigments I started using again, a bit tricky but there is some really nice colors that I found, this one is not exactly a very good example but I liked the subtle natural green.

Also working on another bigger painting (20 x 24″) at the same time, and keep laying aside and turning around until the inspiration strikes again…
works in process

This one… not sure what to call it, but those paintings seem magically attracted to each other… and I am still deciding to keep them that way or separate them in the end… it has a couple of collage pieces like leaves that I keep using and remnants of older paintings that strike me as interesting and befitting… I am exited to see where this is going…
works in process
Now… back in the studio…

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