lazy days….

Been luxuriating in laziness over the holidays, ahhhh!
Haven’t been that lazy for a long time, it felt needed and long due.
No blogs or tweeds or facebook comments or likes and friends requests, tried to stay away from the computer as much as possible. Btw. here is a funny movie about the facebook frenzy. Even talking seemed too much, and even though it made me be not very social during the holidays, I found back to listening again to my inner voice and enjoying my own company mostly.

CIMG1012.JPGIn the process I re-discoverd the things that don’t take much effort yet give the most energy instead of sucking energy (like working on the computer). Reading for example, or sipping tea while staring out the window 😉 sketching and dabbling around aimlessly with paint and brush, or taking photos, even walking for hours seemed totally effortlessly. Even got carried away finding knots in branches on my walks and contemplating to do some sketches… if I wasn’t too lazy right now 🙂 or who knows what else will come to my mind if it wasn’t to lazy but that will be another story…

I don’t usually make New Years resolutions, so when I saw someone posting a link on twitter for a “New Year’s Resolution Generator” I clicked on it just for fun.
“LIGHTEN UP!” it said, which seemed just right in the spirit of doing less.

Tomorrow will be another day with lots of things to do… that don’t all need to be done 🙂

What is your experience with laziness and doing less?

2 Responses to “lazy days….

  • I haven’t “enjoyed” laziness recently … I have been “doing” & “feeling busy” but I still feel “I am lazy” to be with my truth … haha,

    I enjoyed reading your thoughts very much, that amused me 🙂

  • Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving all those encouraging comments, Eco.
    Glad you were amused, and keep the humor in it. I felt like you especially around Christmas and thought this is crazy, I’ve got to stop and just be and smell the roses.

    Hope you can also decided to try to be more “lazy” this year, get less done perhaps but enjoy more peace of mind. Loves to the monkey ;-), he is probably a great lesson for you to watch. Children naturally focus on one thing at a time with total abandon and joy!

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