long time gone…

Loving the sound
of soft and forceful rains,
the smell of earth
reminding me of
trees and forests
and lakes of
long forgotten lands
of my childhood.

Washing away
my memory of
things that were
dear, of things
that never end.
Eternity is
a long time gone
by fast.

Heart pounding in the
rhythm of drops falling
runlets marking the
lowest point moving
in slow motion
quietly washing away
the last memory of

Why is no one
watching when
the whole of
creation dissolves
in one drop, one
long quite flow
connecting the
heavens with earth?

Why does rain always make me write poems 😉

2 Responses to “long time gone…

  • “Why is no one
    watching when
    the whole of
    creation dissolves
    in one drop, one
    long quite flow
    connecting the
    heavens with earth?”

    Well, Sweety:
    THE ONE is watching..and that is ALL THERE IS.

    Love your poems. They are from the bottom of your heart. Thank you!


  • Thank you Laurion, you are totally right. How could I forget 😉

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