“Mankind Is No Island”

(This film was shot entirely on a cell phone, on the streets of NY + Sydney, each word being captured by signs of those cities plus pictures that say more than words)

‘Mankind is no Island.’
This story is about 2 cities divided by a great ocean united by hope, hunger.
Through your eyes our city is famous, happy. You can feel the love, hearts, (I love Sydney), (I love NY) but what it is we love today? Do we love the people or the place? Do we measure empathy by donations (picture of homeless person)? I walk by you today. I always look away. Well worn boots with no standing, (no standing signs). You reason with your condition. Our city says: we’ll look after you. Your very own family turn blind. When did you last see your dad, boys, mother, brothers, (picture of child), (picture of homeless). No fortune to indulge, no sunflower, no rainbow, no successful life. I walk by you today. I did not look away. A story around every corner. The gentle art of hearing, your truth, your thinking, your inner spirit. No different to me. This is freedom? Mankind is no Island.

jason van genderen

shane Emmett

original music
john roy

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