Now that’s a blob!

blue blob with frame
Originally uploaded by claudia dose

Some days are like that…
I enjoy reading “care of the soul” by Thomas Moore. He says in his book…
“For the soul, then, beauty is not defined as pleasantness of form but rather as the quality in things that invites absorption and contemplation.

Soetsu Yanagi, founder of Japan’s modern craft movement, defines beauty as that which gives unlimited scope to the imagination; beauty is the source of imagination, he says, that never dries up. A thing so attractive and absorbing may not not be pretty or pleasant. It could be ugly, in fact, and yet seizes the soul as beautiful in the special sense. James Hillman defines beauty for the soul as things displaying themselves in their individuality. Yanagi’s and Hillman’s point is that beauty doesn’t require prettiness. Some pieces of art are not pleasing to look at, and yet their content ant form are arresting and lure the heart into profound imagination.”
… No, not that the sketch of mine falls into that category but it just kind of sort of slipped in…

2 Responses to “Now that’s a blob!

  • ooh is that what you look like claudia? All these years and I never knew…

  • Yeah, I didn’t recognize myself. I changed it again. It’s hard to find good pictures of me cause I am ducking and weaving when the camera is out. Hate it!

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