Reflect(ion) – word of the year (so far)
We are already well into the new year and I felt so rushed to make a New Year’s resolution when I am still feeling the need to reflect and sit still to digest the past year and I haven’t even finished my review of the last year.
I did however have a flash of insight that my word of the year could be REFLECT(TION), both the state and the action (verb). I have the intention to pause more. And to reflect. This might help me to bring more of what is true inside out into the world. Going deeper with the meaning of the quote I shared many years ago…
We paint on the walls of our existence
the reflections of our being.
And then I saw this post by Claire Dubois that resonated with me very much…
“Today (Epiphany) seems to be the day when trees and decorations come down, but to me, we are now in the heart of darkness, and this is the time when the representation of the inner tree of light within ourselves is most important. For me anyway.”
This feels more like what I am experiencing. The darkness feels very meditative and soothing, and so little rushing and making plans or organizing the rest of my year. So I won’t! Coincidentally, I came down with vertigo around the holidays and was mostly avoiding sudden movements. I looked up the meaning of vertigo according to Luise Hay, and found the cause is “scattered thinking”. Lol! And her affirmations for dizziness are, “I am deeply centered and peaceful in life. It is safe for me to be alive and joyous.” I also read: “A felt feeling is a healing event.” So instead of rushing to the next to-do item on the list (which is my usual habit) or feeling bad for not getting done what I had planned, I sat still, and felt what needed to be felt.
It brought me back to my sketchbook. I love sketching and having a sketchbook that accompanies me. I had let this habit slip. There, I can be messy, nothing has to be perfect, I can sketch out an idea, express my inner world, or just doodle with fun. The time spent reflecting instead of doing was very nourishing. And it also felt closer to my heart.
What do you do that brings you closer to your heart?
You can see a few more journal sketches here…
Learn more about doodling and intuitive painting here…
Congratulations on your exhibit. The painting is wonderful. I’m sure you’re very excited. Wishing you great success.
Plan to leave Chicago on March 7th to se Dr Joshi. Arrive in Kankaul on March 9. Will be in India until March 21.
Never did hear from George regarding whether he might be able to help me. Hoping that Dr Joshi can alleviate the neurological damage in my neck and leg.
so happy we’ve kept in touch all these years.
All the best,
Thank you Moe. Tell me more about your leaving in email…