returning Home…

Reading “Home with God, a life that never ends” by Neale Donald Walsch, the same author that wrote “Conversations with God”, and this time he is talking about death…

“Death is the biggest mystery of life. Unlocking that mystery unlocks everything. Once you answer most of the questions you’ve ever had about death, you’ll have answered most of the questions you’ve ever had about life as well. Then you’ll know how to be Home with God without dying.”

“Most people think that returning home means returning to God. But you cannot return to God, because you never left God – and your soul knows this. 
YOU may not know this at a conscious level, but your soul knows this.”

Q: What is the purpose of life on earth, from the soul’s point of view?

“Your soul is seeking to experience what it knows… Live is a process by which the soul turns knowing into experiencing and when what you have known and experienced becomes a felt reality, that process is completed. Home it turns out is a place called Completion.

In the moment of reunification, what occurs is that you simply remember who you really are, and experience that.  It is one thing to know something, it is quite another thing to experience it, and still another to feel it. Only feeling produces full awareness. Knowing, alone, can produce only partial awareness. Experience, along, can produce only partial awareness. You must add experience to knowing to produce feeling. You can know that you are genourous, but when you experience your self being generous, then your awareness is made complete through the living of that feeling.”

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