taking on a life of its own

It’s going, I am not sure where, and its slow, painfully slow. Abhinavagupta sure doesn’t make it easy on me. Neither do all the other people in the picture, I don’t even know them but they seem to know me. As soon as I am working on one the other is screaming, “and what about me?” “Fix me too!” is it shouting from the other end. It is quite exhausting.

And all the geometry, drives me crazy. I don’t think I ever painted a picture with so many straight lines in it. They always seem crooked to me no matter what I do. I have taken a photo of it into Illustrator and checked it out. I have attached strings to the painting with pins and sticky tape. It seems a little better but I keep looking at it.

Well, I went to another concert just to soothe my nerves. The contemporary composer (Vine, Moravec) was surprising harmonious. Only one that I could have done without was Brahms. The Camerata Pacifica played at the Colburn School and I am always enjoying their playfulness, yet professionalism, and Adrian Spence who is usually introducing the music makes it so much worth while with his insights.

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