Pearls of Wisdom

Liebe Claudia,

This is not a testimony, it is a spontaneous response to an email I just received from the Lakshmanjoo Academy.

Mein Name ist Birgitta Blumer und ich bin eine Freundin von Shanna Hughes. Ich nehme an Webinars der Lakdhmanjoo Akademie Teil. Im Moment bin ich nicht immer dabei, da wir am Umziehen sind.
Als ich gelesen habe, dass Du ursprünglich aus Deutschland kommst, dachte ich mir, ich könnte doch auf Deutsch schreiben. Ich lebe schon über 20 Jahre in Pasadena, CA, doch ursprünglich bin ich aus der Schweiz.

Today, I received an email with the pictures you auction off. I liked them, they deeply speak to me, which made me curious about you. I went to your website, read your bio and scrolled through your gallery. “Pearls of Wisdom” stopped me.

Since I “know” you a little bit from the webinars, I spontaneously decided to contact you. It would be a pleasure to talk or to “meet” with you.
I am not an art collector but an art lover since my early childhood. Over my lifetime, I have bought a picture and a print from artists I have met or to which I felt spiritually close.

Your work inspired me to write to you.

With warmest regards and blessings,

Brigitta Blumer

One Response to “Pearls of Wisdom

  • Danke Liebe Brigitta, Ich habe Dir eine email geschrieben…

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