“The Cocoon”, new painting

Like many of my paintings this painting developed intuitively, which means rather than having a preconceived idea I let the painting evolve intuitively and it takes on a live of its own. Sometimes during the painting process but often much later when it is finished i can see its meaning for me personal, as if it was trying to teach me something.
Looking at “The Cocoon” it has me thinking about how to get out from my own little cocoon and become a butterfly. It is still pretty entangled in all the lines but can’t skip any of the struggles that will lead to its developing the wings and become a pretty butterfly, just like in the story “The Cocoon and the Butterfly“. And eventually the lines, that represent its obstacles, entangling it, become its patter and its beauty.


for detail view click images below…

"Cocoon" detail       "Cocoon" detail       "Cocoon" detail       "Cocoon" detail
acrylic and mixed media on styrofoam, unframed
H12 x W19.5 x depth 2 inch (30,5 x 49,5 x 5cm)
Original Painting $380 (includes shipping and handling)

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