the rebels and the changes… a short story without ending

Been working on this “puzzle” of a painting for a while now… it is going in a circle and has a square whole, what more can I say… keep changing the left panels but I think now I know how they want to stay… or maybe… (below are some versions)
acrylic and collage on canvas
(4 pieces) together 28″ x 28″
in the meantime I have been starting three more paintings and it looks as if one of them will be finished before this one…
This is how it goes with paintings, they take on a life of their own and one never knows where they are going, and sometimes they stall and rebel and don’t want to go anywhere and that is also fine… off to another and another…

4 Responses to “the rebels and the changes… a short story without ending

  • “sometimes they stall and rebel and don’t want to go anywhere..”

    Ha, Claudi, that sounds sooo familiar too me! I just stopped working on a big project because I somehow got the feeling to go OFF ROAD and dont stay with what wants to show up.
    To let the paintings have a life of their own seems to be a good attitude to allow spirit to take over.

    Wish ypu tons of fun!

    lauri *:-)

  • Yes, they are kind of like children who take on a life of their own and you just have to let them… and yes the spirit takes over as soon as your ego steps aside, you are right…
    Thank you for stopping by Lauri, wishing you much creative flows and fun too 🙂

  • Very nice work, inspirational! Thanks for sharing

  • Thank you Stephanie, glad it inspires you. And thank you also for following…

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