thoughts and words….

Since my camera is not working and I couldn’t post pictures , I was thinking maybe a good opportunity to write more about my paintings, which I am both reluctant and having difficulty with. Always hard to write about something while it is still developing but also a good idea to clear the idea perhaps…

Though while I was de-cluttering the bookshelves (and basically re-claiming most of them) I came across one by Nick Bantock, I remember how inspiring it was to open it for the first time and it still is so full of inspirations, In the end of the book he writes something that I don’t remember reading before.

He recons that our imagination starts with pictures rather than in words. That even historically pictures came before the words. Cavemen first drew on the walls, before signs got invented to represent what we were trying to convey, then those become more sophisticated until now we have words and sentences and books.
Now we are living so much in the world of words that we have lost that connection with our inner pictures, dreams. And how nice to just dive in and let our fantasy wander and explore those lost and forgotten fragments and images in our heads or who knows where they are coming from…

Still resolved to collect a couple of words at the end of my painting nights, not sure if I will post them here, at the moment thoughts and words don’t seem very cohesive 🙂

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