Tis the time for new prices… and a great opportunity

Been working on a new price-list for my paintings that is more consistent, based on square inch, as suggested by a lot of artists friends and galleries. This is always such a delicate question for every artist, putting a price-tag on what we love most. Though there is plenty of advice and yet plenty of doubts even for the most advanced painter as well as for the emerging ones. Here is one of the articles I found useful on how to calculate the price (also the comments are very interesting to read!). I had been doing something like that, calculating my prices based on the size, but this is much more accurate.

First I looked at the prices of paintings that I already sold, compared them with the sizes that are most common for me, which should be my medium price and compared with other paintings of other painters, compared with the last gallery show (which just finished), compared and compared, calculated and calculated more, more spreadsheets and numbers . . . finally worked my way thru all my paintings and . . . voila!

Coming up next will be to put the prices on each painting with a link to paypal, which I have been using for a while and which I fund the most safe and convenient for both sides. I decided not to go for more calculating of shipping and handling and made it easy for us all by adding an average that varies according to the size, regardless of posting worldwide or within the US.
I will be slowly, working my way thru all the paintings, starting next month with the most recent ones, every day a few . . . it seems impossible to do them all at once.
So this is the perfect time and opportunity if you were thinking of buying one of my original paintings. You can see all of my paintings if you click on the tab ‘paintings‘ or ‘for sale’ (which contains only those paintings that I have already added a price to. You can also find ‘paintings‘ and ‘for sale’ in the right column of this blog under ‘labels’. Send me an email with the name or the link, or simply click on the ‘buy now’ button if it is already provided. Don’t forget to add your address! Comments are welcome too, as always . . . 🙂

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