Walk with me…
Having some amazing time Down Under, marveling about life and death and the impermanence of it all and yet how persistent live hangs on to live and keeps on going and doing…
Just look at all those tiny balls made by crabs on the beach
what a huge work of art it is for those tiny creatures
to make again and again
and washed away
again and again
again and again
with every tide…
Heavenly Father,
walk with me today, and grant that I may hear your footsteps
and gladly follow where they lead.
Talk with me today and grant that I may hear your tender voice,
and quicken to its counsel.
Stay with me today and grant that I may feel your gentle presence
in all I do, say and think.
Be my strength when I weaken,
my courage when I fear.
my courage when I fear.
Help me to know
that it is your hand holding mine
that it is your hand holding mine
through all the hours of this day…