What I have been up to lately…

Been working on the little “manneken” that is to go into the new painting
marked the space to see what it looks like…

marking the place... that's were he's going

I made the mistake to start with paper instead of a mold from something else. So it was all wet and slippery and I had to wait for it to dry each time I applied a layer of paper, of course he needed lots of layers… so it took a loooooong time…
(which gave me time to work on a commission; blog post coming!)
Here is the humble beginnings…

comparisons the little "manneken"
It was supposed to mirror the meditator in the corner
so I kept comparing the two, but then it took on a live of its own…
…and the face… well, we are still working on that 🙂

wet from getting born... a bit more dignified but still some more to do...

Next was cutting out the hole…

cutting.... right thru the painting =:O the space is made... still needs to be fixed on the sides

and here he goes… just temporary for now.

wonder how he looks in there... well.... there he goes...

Still lots more to do…

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