Wherever your mind becomes peaceful…

Found this very interesting especially in the light of recent upheavals in the world and around us. There is always a peaceful spot to be found… off to painting and gardening… šŸ™‚

“Wherever your mind becomes peaceful, wherever your mind is situated peacefully, put your mind there. If your mind is situated peacefully in working in the garden, put your mind there; donā€™t go in the prayer room for prayer. Going in the prayer-room at that moment is a sin for you, and working in the garden is the right way for you. Wherever your mind is fixed, attracted, put your mind there.
There you must fix your mind; donā€™t go anywhere else. Donā€™t think that this is an impure act. That is a pure act for you; the pure act is an impure act for you. There and then, at that very place, the supreme Ananda (bliss) state will take place. Wherever your mind is appeased, in peace, there and then the supreme kingdom of bliss will appear to you.”
Swami Lakshmanjoo, VB vs. 74, Dharana 49)

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