Yoga Retreat

Originally uploaded by claudia dose.

The retreat was great. We watched videos of the Bhagavad Gita, my favorite text and also listened to Shivastotravali, which is beautifully devotional. The discussions that followed were very practical and interesting. I had a great time doing the dishes and keeping everything tidy. The food we prepared was well received and everyone seemed to have a great time. We did not get to finish the Vijnana Bhairava book as promised but the CDs are done. While it is still being checked we found some nice packaging to put them together with the Transcript so it can go out through Amazon.

Back to painting. I painted some smaller sketches on some sample boards that I had laying around, just to get more feeling for the proportions and how I want it to look. I could also do it all on the computer but I liked to play with paint and was longing for something small and manageable.

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