Yoni and Voice – Expressing the Feminine Energy
This is the continuation from a series of paintings that started off digitally (A Sacred Sanctum for the Wounded Feminine Voice). Now continued in mixed media on styrofoam*, my favorite medium for the time being.
While I was painting this one I was listening to throat chakra opening chants and meditative music, to tune in. The experience reminded me of the nada sound healing I did years back, with Shanti Shivani, and the feeling of the sound of my own voice vibrating my whole body. Expressing the Feminine Energy. Quiet amazing!
The dots represent the bubbles I am feeling when chanting and singing…
In the triangle I wrote the Sanskrit mantra ham, which is associated with the throat chakra.
*Styrofoam is actually a great material to paint on.
- It doesn’t give way under the brush as canvas does, yet can be molded and cut out.
- It is incredibly light, which comes handy in earthquake zones, where you don’t want a heavy canvas or wood panel painting to fall on your head.
- It takes ages to decompose, which makes it an environmental hazard, but also a surprisingly long lasting ground to paint on.
I cover it with canvas cloth for a nice texture, and to give it a bit of soft tooth under the brush. This also protects the delicate surface, which could easily be poke into with a finger or hard object.