“Your art has never spoken for itself….” Arg!

Been following Alyson B. Stanfield’s very informative blog and advice on marketing for artists on her website, something that I had been neglecting up to now. So finally got her new book “I’d rather be in the studio” and now there are no excuses for not doing it. One of her first advices is to write about ones art – “Your art has never spoken for itself….” –arg!

Oh well, writing has never been my strongest that’s why I am painting 😉
But I have to admit it helps me to understand my own art as much as it possibly helps others. So, trying with this blog, sorting out my head, collecting inspirations, showing the results… lots to learn still.

4 Responses to ““Your art has never spoken for itself….” Arg!

  • Claudia: Yea! Blogging is a great way to find a voice for your art. That chapter in the book on writing your artist statement should give you lots of fodder. Have fun with it!

  • Sure you will find the book helpful ! I’ve read several parts a few times through , depending on what has been my focus at the time.
    Best wishes,

  • Thank you Alyson,
    took your advice and have a little notebook and write down anything that comes to my mind about my art, it is slow but it adds up…. and ends up also on this blog in bits and pieces that don’t seem to make sense yet but eventually, hopefully will…..
    …even end up with an artist statement 😉

  • Thank you Rhiannon, for sharing your process of exhibiting your photos, very helpful and insightful.
    Love your photos! Yummy!

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